Meet Vault74

We're glad you're here! Let's talk about why Vault74 rocks.



Vault74 can run with no servers. This means all of your data is sent either through the public blockchain or peer 2 peer. No spying included.


Mobile App (soon)

A chat app is only half as useful if it's not with you when you need it most. Our mobile app comes with an integrated wallet, or support for your favorite wallet built in.


Built-in Payments

You never need to leave the app, everything is included enabling you to send funds to your friends, or the new guy you owe for lunch.



Vault74 is highly customizable. You can change how it looks, how it feels and everything in between. Pick your favorite hardware wallet to sign in with. Stream at potato quality, or 4k. Setup custom keybinds to navigate the app. Enable different levels of security to fit your preferences.

Try the Alpha

Vault Keys Crowdsale

Vault Keys abstract all the complicated fees and interactions with the blockchain and unlock additional, powerful, features on the platform.

Starting time :


Ending time :


Tokens exchange rate


0 VKEY 1,000,000 VKEY Sold Cap
  • Coming Soon
Low - High 24h :


Total tokens sale


Acceptable Currency :


Join the Alpha

Vault74 is free to use and currently lives on the Goerli Testnet. You can hop in now and check out the latest release. Keep in mind new features are being deployed daily so it's recommended to join our community as well.

We will be moving to a Vault74 server for our community at beta. Until then our community lives in Discord. Come hang out and share your ideas and feedback!



Vault74 is under active development. Things are moving fast and our future is looking bright.

Our Team

Right now it's just me! I'm hoping to build an excellent team to take Vault74 to the next step during 2021. If you think you can help please feel free to join our community and become involved.


Matt Wisniewski

Lead Developer


Vault74 is OpenSource. If you'd like to contribue please visit our GitHub!